วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Samchuk Market

I saw my uncle was starting his car, and then I asked where you are going to him. He said he would go to Samchuk district. I recognized I have friend who lives there, so I asked for permission to go that place with him. He said ok.
After that I called to my friend. I told her I would come to her home and she said ok. Then she told the way for go to her home. I lived in her home for an hour and then I told her I wanted to go to Samchuk market. It was nearby her home, so we walked to there and I wanted her to be my guide.
I had heard Samchuck market is an old market. It is more than one hundred years. There are many interest shops and old Thai sweeties. I have seen this market on television three times.
Then I walked into the market. There were many people visited this market because it was a weekend. I was early to buy the drinking water and sat on the chair that it was nearby the entrance of the market.

After that my friend wanted to drink coffee. She always drinks coffee; she said if she did not drink coffee, she would sleepless. But I don’t like coffee because its smell make me headache. The coffee shop always has old men drink and talk something in the morning, my friend told me. During she was drinking black coffee, I saw my grandfather’s friend and then I said hello to her. She asked me a few questions and then she gave me five hundred Bath for bought some sweeties.

Next shop that I visited it was the photo shop. Its name is Sin tham ma chart photo shop. The owner shop told me, she had an old camera, it is sixty years and she uses this camera for take the photos of the visitors. Then I and my friend wore the period clothes for took the photos and the screen was the Bangkok’s picture in fifty years ago.

I was hungry, so I bought some sweeties and I found the food shop. So my friend suggested me one shop. It is a highly recommend of food at this market. This food name is Khao ho bai bua. There were rice, pork, vegetables and spices into the lotus leaf. Lotus leaf means bai bua in Thai language. It was very delicious food and it’s had good smell.

After that I went to the park for wait my uncle. There are the tower, the spring and the museum in the park. I found the seat because I wanted to sit; I tried from walked around Samchuk market. Then I sat on the deck chair and read a magazine. I was read it finishes, but my uncle still did not arrive. So I walked to the tower. I paid forty Bath for the fee to visit this tower. On the top floor, I could see views around the city. I thought if that time was night the views were beautiful more than a day.

วันศุกร์ที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My avatar in imvu

I did not use imvu for a two weeks because I was forgotten my password and it did not allow me to make new password. And then a few days ago I could use it, but some information on my imvu homepage was wrong. So I was made new homepage.
Then I was read the methods of made the homepage. It has a lot of methods, but I did not understand it more. After that I started to change the background from white to black. Then I took the photos of my avatar and selected one of them to show at the “ About me” topic. All the other pictures, I was showed them at “my gallery”.
Then I clicked at catalog’s bottom and I selected some beautiful cloths to add at “My wish list”. After that I selected pink for the text color at “My massages” and green for “My buddies ’’ and “My visitors”.
Now, I have fifty-eight buddies. They are from United State, England, France, Egypt, Turkey, Japan, Korea and others. I have six buddies from Thailand.
Then I saw my friend was online, so I invited her to chat in my room. She was new user for this program. I got five hundred and fifty credits from chatted with her because I was a first person that talked with her and I was invited her to use imvu.
After that I told her about the ways to use imvu. For example, take the photos, find a friend, add buddy, go to catalog etc.
I recognized about I have a report. It was a group report. Then I did it and sent to Ney.
I clicked to my imvu homepage again. I saw “My URL” topic and then I clicked on it. It was an interest topic. After that I made a slide show. I thought I would show my avatar photos and my friends’s photos too.
This slide was shown on my imvu homepage. There were my avatar’s photos and some of my buddies’s photos. The slide had Kannika and Kireeda ’s photos too.
I was heard the next two weeks, all the sophomores must register for next semester. So I looked at the “class look up” and note down some subjects that I thought I will register for next semester on the paper. But some of them had time conflict. So I decided to talk about the register with my friends on Monday.
Namphueng came to my room. She came with her books and the civil code. I heard her voice after I were arrived the room for five minutes. Then I and she read the book, it was law of delict. After that we discussed about the important sections in this subject.
I saw Korean series. It was about investigation. It had twenty chapters. I was seeing chapter two of this series and then my friend came to my room. She wanted to see it too, so I opened chapter one again. We saw it five chapters and then we went to eat some food. I walked on the stairs because the lift did not work.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Some classes in this week

I could notice about if I brought an umbrella into my hand back it was not rain, but rain would coming when I forgot an umbrella. I would go to the last class for today, but it was to rain. I was living at D building, but this class is at E building. I could walk to M building and then I was sat on the chair in front of this building. After that I called to Ney and Poon, but they did not accept me, so I called to Namphueng and told her I could not go to class because I did have an umbrella. Then she said she would come to me with an umbrella. I said thank you to her. She always is my best friend. I am so glad that I know her and all of friends in my group.
This class always has seventy students, but it has sixty seats. So some students was standing or sitting with their friends during the class. Actually, this class has fifty, but students of other sections came to study in this section, so it always has not enough seats for all students.

After I and friends had lunch I told them I would come back my dormitory and then I invited them too. When we arrived I told Gift about I and Noon wanted her ordered the dramas that we wanted to watch. Most of them were Thai drama, but only two series were Korea series. Then I came to class late. This class was very fun for today. There were a lot of laugh, but the teacher said the students in this class talked too much and it made her could not teach.
I like the teacher in this class because she is a friendly teacher. She always asks me and all of students about section 420 in the civil code.
When that class finished I was early came back my dormitory because my cousin called to me she would arrived my room at 5.15 p.m. and she forgot the keys. I was waited her for half and hour then I took a shower. After that I heard someone knocked the door I thought it’s my cousin. Then I heard the phone rang, so I was sure she knocked the door. Then I opened the door and saw her. She told me she waited me for fifteen minuets.


I had class at 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. I had breakfast with Gift and Noon. Then I met Ney in front of cartoon shop and then we came to class room together. This class was very cold. The teacher always forgets attendance sheet, so I wrote my name and ID number in the paper for gave him. He taught us after midterm for this section, but he did not tell his name since the first week after midterm. But today he told his name and he gave a website that it was useful for law students. This website I could write the question and then I will get the answer on the web board.
Then I did the blog of this week. I wanted to change something in the first and second blogs, but I was not sure if I corrected them it will be change the date on that blogs. I thought it was not hard to read, but I still did not change it.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Three Activities

New teacher

This week, I met a new teacher in a law subject. She is a Judge and she has a good looking. I was very exciting when I presented the report in front of the class. This report was about constitution’s draft. It was a group report and in our group we had two opinions were agree and disagree with this draft. This class was too late, so I was hungry so much. But when the class finished I was not hungry, so I and friend went to sit on the stairs in front of C building and talked about the Universiade. Then I felt hungry, so I invited her to eat some food. I told her I wanted to eat at the food shop behind Ramkhamhang University. I had eaten some food two times and it was ok.

Japanese Food

I, Namphueng and Yok went to The Mall. Namphueng met her parents at the first floor of there and then I and Yok said hello to them. Then we walked around there and we wanted to see a movie. But we wanted to see three movies, so we could not decide to see one of them. After that Namphueng said she wanted to eat some food. Finally, we decided to eat Japanese food at Fuji Restaurant. We ate Fuji bento sashimiset, Tako yaki, Ika maru yaki, Ikura salmon, Spicy tuna salad, Gyoza yaki, Macha icecream jelly and Yogurt pudding strawberry sauce. I did not eat it for two months and Namphueng was same as me.
We went Tawanna, the shopping mall where is beside The Mall. I and Namphueng bought the shoes. Then we came back The Mall because Namphueng must bring the fruits that her father bought for give her.

Saw Volleyball

I and my friends went to Bang Na Campus because we wanted to watch Volleyball Games. I Namphueng and Noon absented two classes for today, but Poon absented one class. I went to there by the coach. I sat on the engineering’s coach because the first and second coaches were full of students. When we arrived there we went to toilet and then we went to John paul II Sports Center. I watched two matches were Egypt vs Mexico and France vs South Africa. I did not have a seat with my faculty members so I and my friends must sat with faculty of engineering.
They had loud voice. Actually, I and friends must cheer Mexico team, but we must cheer Egypt because we sat at engineering’s seats. There were some of high schools were there. After finish the first match I ate the biscuits. The next match was not fun. At 5 p.m. I left there and I and friends went to wait to coach for came back to Hua Mak campus. During that time I took the photos with friends. There were the students more that the seats, so I and three friends must sat on a seat. When I got off the coach I went to eat food and came back my room.

วันพุธที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Nice Day

Gift called to me in the morning, she wanted me to have some food before our first class and then she said she would tell about this to Namphueng and Poon too. After that I was taking a shower at 7.30 a.m. when Poon called. She asked me what is the food that we come to eat?. I said up to you. Finally, we decided do not eat. So we would come to the class at 9 a.m. Today we were very happy because we studied for fifty minutes for this class, actually it has two hours. Then we went to have breakfast. Today the foods were not delicious because it had too spicy sauce. That time I was thinking I would do not come to next class because I was sleepy, but my friends told me we should come to class, so we decided to study.
I came back my room with Nampheung and Yok. We had free time for two hours and then they used my laptop. My mother called to me. I did not talk with her half a month because her mobile phone was lost. At 1.50 p.m. we went to C building. I and Yok have class at there, but Namphueng does not have class for this time, so she went to her room. The time was through half an hour after the class started, but the teacher did not come to class, so we thought maybe she would not come to class. Then I, Gift and Yok went to Q building for asked an official about the teacher. And then he told us he had not been seeing the teacher, so we decided to go to The Mall.
My friends came to my room for watch a drama and we wanted to do our assignment too. But today the library was close, so we watched this drama only. At 5 p.m. we went to eat food and after that we went to read English book at S building. Then some of us said she wanted to watch a drama because today it will be the end of the story, so we walked up to Namphueng’s room and watched it. After that I and namphueng went to the roof top of her dormitory and then we saw some fireworks at Rachamungkalakeerasathan stadium because today is the first day of The Universiade. The fireworks very beautiful and it has the nice light at there. We wanted to go to there, so she told to her mother. I called to my father and told him about I would go to that place with them and then he said ok.Then I, Namphueng and her mother walked to that place. We saw some people were leaving there, but we still went to there and found the seats. We came too late, so we could saw a few shows at there. We leaved there at 9 p.m. Namphueng was thirsted, so she bought drinking water at Family Mart, but I and her mother waited her in front of there. We were separate at C building and then I was early come back to my room. After that I called to my father again and I said I were arrive the room. Then I took a shower and then I did my journal.

วันพุธที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Korean food & Shopping

My friend came to my room because today we would to discuss about law of delict subject. After that she opened her laptop and then we watched Korean series. At the afternoon we went to have lunch. We ate Korean food because when we watched this series, it showed some nice Korean food, so we wised to eat it. This shop has many Korean star pictures and the food very delicious. After that we went to the cartoon shop and she bought a cartoon book and a magazine.
My phone rang when we were arrived my room. My aunt called to me, she told me today she, her daughter would come to my room and her daughter would live with me. I said ok. Then she said she would arrive at 8 p.m. After the phone rang off, I and my friend went to my Gift’s room. We brought the books and her laptop to there too. We were so tired because we walked by long way from my room to Gift’s room. Then I sat in the chair and my friend sat in her bed. And then we borrowed Gift’s laptop for watched this series.
At 6 p.m. we ate the pine – apples and then my friend read a book. Gift read a magazine and I had been watch this series.
Today I went to have breakfast after that I bought drinking water at Family mart. Then my friend called to me, he told me yesterday he came back his home, so he wanted me to water the plants at his room. I said ok. After that I went to his room, but I forgot the key of his room, so I came back to my room and brought his key’s room. His room is on the tenth floor. I dislike this floor because it is very silent and dark. I was early watered the plants and came back my room because I scared something.
Then I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. After that I read law book for two hours and then I slept. When my cousin, who lives with me awoke she told me, she would go to her university for read the books and maybe she would come back at 7 p.m. After I woke up I watched a drama and listened to music.
Then I recognized I must buy something, so I took a shower again and then I went to The Mall. I did not shopping for a month. I walked in there for two hours and bought two skirts and the shoes. When I would leave there my friends saw me, so they invited me to have lunch with them. I said ok, and then we went to the third floor because they wanted to eat Japanese food. Actually, I dislike eating it, but all of them like it and they came to here for eat it, so I must eat it with them.
After that they wanted to saw movie, but I told them I would came back my room. And then two of them decided to come back with me and the others they were still saw movie. I was arrived my room as soon as Phot came here. She is my friend in high school. We did not meet almost for nine months. She told me she just came back from Chula’s books store. She came with her new friend and she invited me to go to Siam Paragon. I did not accept her invite and I told her I just came back from shopping at The Mall. She said ok and then she said with me for half an hour after that she and her friend leaved my room and went to Siam Paragon.